
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Thoughts on Apple & Flash

As you probably know Google and Apple are not getting along, and both of them are making very clear especially Google at their I/O. Me, liking Google, most people will think "He obviously likes Google more than Apple." The thing is, that's only half true because its not that simple. The two companies have two different views on technology and its distribution &and administration. 

Apple for example, doesn't like Flash because they believe in an open web. Also,they seem to have merged Flash and Adobe. I don't like flash. That doesn't mean I don't like Adobe. If they create open sourced HTML5, CSS3, and other tools, I would respect that. Just not Flash. I don't like flash because I believe the average user should be able to view the web in its entirety without the use of plug ins. I also believe that there's a better way to include multimedia in a website without plug ins. To add to the list, Flash tends to be a resource hog

Now, back to Apple. I love Apple products. I love the iPhone, iMac, iWork, iPad and other stuff. Now, where do they fall short? Forums everywhere resound this: They are incredibly closed and proprietary. What does that mean? Apple chooses what you can and can't buy (App store). Apple chooses on what devices you can and can't hear music (DRM protection). They also decide what your apple device looks like. (Low customization levels) On the other hand Google is probably one of the most open fortune 500 companies you will ever see. Android is open sourced and free. And they realize people use flash! People except fan boys wont just drop flash 100% because apple says so. If i were CEO I would stop creating flash but would not hesitate to use it.

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