
Monday, June 21, 2010

Google I/O

Google's I/O conference has come to the end. Unfortuantly google's I/O doesn't seem to get as much hype as Apple's WWDC. Therefore there were some pretty groundbreaking things that happned you might not have heard of. For example: Google has released two new products! :D

1. Android Froyo 2.2
2.Google TV

"You lost me at 2.2. Is this some boring techno babble?"

Yea..No, Froyo is a new Android OS. That means that it will bring exciting new features. Think iOS4 or OS3. Most android phones (Go Android!) will get it. Nexus One is first in line to get Android Froyo. 
For More see Froyo

"Google TV? Whats next Google Car?"

Honestly, wouldn't suprise me; It's a " on sterioids, that has a finger in every industry." This, IMHO is a good idea but relativley poorly implemented. The idea is: We watch a lot of TV but we should be able to watch TV when we want and not let TV change our scheduales. Many of us will watch TV shows and movies on the computer. Why? Becuase its on our time.  So the soloution, mix the best the web has to offer and the best TV has to offer.

The problem is people have already done this. That in and of itself does not mean anything. Phones existed, Apple made it better. iPhones existed (IMHO) Google made it better. So, to have something thats already there you gotta make it better! Google has not been able to introduce something that will make me buy their google TV extension. If their were two exactly the same TVs one had Google TV and one didn't and the diffrences was $50 or more I would choose the one without. Why? Google TV adds convinience. Nothing else. Where am I going with this? There are many other ways to do this. Windows has already done this.

For More see Google TV=Disappointment

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